In a recent poll, Progressive Dairyman asked, “What topic do you want to learn more about?”
Only 4 percent said that they want to learn about manure handling, and 6 percent prefers to learn about hoof care. Cow comfort did only slightly better with 7 percent of the vote.
A.I. and breeding just missed double digits and received 9 percent of the vote. Dry and transition cows tied with feed, forages and nutrition. Each topic received 11 percent of the vote.
Thirteen percent of readers said that milk quality and parlour management would be a good topic to learn. Another 17 percent said that herd health is the most interesting topic to learn. Calf and heifer raising won the majority with 22 percent. PD
What topic do you want to learn more about?
A.I. and breeding: 9%
Calf and heifer raising: 22%
Cow comfort: 7%
Dry and transition cows: 11%
Feed, forages and nutrition: 11%
Herd health: 17%
Hoof care: 6%
Milk quality and parlour management: 13%
Manure handling: 4%