The company recognized this achievement with an outdoor barbecue, which included mill tours, live local entertainment and prizes.

Jake Friesen

The event was held on July 23 at its main feed mill in Abbotsford, British Columbia, and was supported by the attendance of nearly 500 guests, including customers, suppliers, staff, friends and industry connections.

The mill tours of the three facilities (a designated poultry feed mill and dairy mill as well as a premix plant) demonstrated to guests the quality control, manufacturing practices and innovation behind their products.

Jake Friesen started with Clearbrook Grain & Milling back in 1953, and over the years, enjoyed working with his children, three of whom are still currently involved in the business – Richard, Marvin and Melinda.

The company was built on loyalty, fairness, respect and hard work – characteristics that remain part of the company’s foundation today and contribute to its ongoing success.

Customers at BBQ for Clearbrooke Grain & Milling's 60th anniversary

Many of Clearbrook Grain & Milling’s customers have been conducting business with the family for more than 30 years.

Clearbrook Grain & Milling also recognized the important contributions and efforts from their staff in reaching this important milestone.  PD


 Mill tour guests looking at product samples

PHOTO 1: Clearbrook Grain & Milling’s main mill facility in Abbotsford proudly displaying their 60th anniversary banner.

PHOTO 2: Jake Friesen, founder of Clearbrook Grain & Milling, with his 1953 Ford half-ton pick-up, similar to what he used to deliver poultry feed to customers for many years.

PHOTO 3: A packed house of clients, suppliers, friends and staff enjoying a summer barbecue at Clearbrook Grain & Milling’s 60th anniversary, held July 23 in Abbotsford, British Columbia.

PHOTO 4: Mill tour guests are offered a first-hand look inside the mill facilities and check out product samples. Mill tours of all three facilities were offered during the company’s anniversary celebration.

-- From Clearbrook Grain & Milling news release