The three finalists selected for their commitment and innovation are:

• Sylvain Laquerre and Noelline Dusablon, Ferme Sylvain Laquerre inc., St-Casimir, Quebec
• Marian and Jan Slomp, Rimrose Dairy Ltd., Rimbey, Alberta
• George, Linda and Terry Heinzle, Terryland Farms Inc., St-Eugène, Ontario

These farmers are strong leaders who contribute to their respective communities.

Sylvain Laquerre and his family are seventh-generation farmers on a farm first established in 1813. One of their achievements, which has already earned them recognition by several organizations, is their success in getting area farmers to commit together to protect the local watershed of the Niagrette River, increasing the biodiversity in the area.

Nutrient cycle management, crop rotation, high-quality care for animals and a holistic approach to agriculture are some of the various ways the Slomps have made their dairy farm sustainable since they established in 1989.

They are also committed to their local community, providing free access to the people of Rimbey to grow vegetables on three acres of their property.

The Heinzles have decided to show farmers that sustainability can be profitable, and many farm tours from Canada and other countries visit this dairy farm, which George started in 1983.

Energy conservation, manure management and energy production are the cornerstones of sustainability on Terryland Farms. A biodigester was built in 2006, and this farm was one of the first to sell electricity to the grid in Ontario.

Please visit Dairy Farmers of Canada for more details on each finalist. The laureate will be announced on July 24 at DFC’s annual general meeting in Toronto, Ontario. The laureate will receive a trophy and a $2,000 cash prize. The other finalists will each receive a trophy and $1,000.

DFC is pleased to partner with DeLaval this year, as the company is actively promoting ongoing progress in dairy farm sustainability and viability.

DFC wishes to acknowledge the dedication of the selection committee: seven sustainability experts from academia, government and other agricultural groups who reviewed the nominations and judged, from their diverse perspectives, the candidates’ environmental sustainability practices, their social contributions and care for their animals and the land.


Run for farmers by farmers, Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national policy organization representing Canada’s farmers. DFC strives to create stable conditions for the Canadian dairy industry, today and in the future.  PD