What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I received a diploma in farm business management (focus on animal husbandry) in 1978 and have taken numerous management, business, reproduction, large herd management and nutrition courses throughout my career. 


Please describe your agricultural background.
I have worked in agriculture all of my life. The last 25 years I worked with ABS Global (Canada) Inc. Previous to that I worked with Dreamstreet Holsteins (Bright, Ontario) and Tavistock Dairy Sales. I got my start on the family beef farm.

What territory will you cover?
I will be working throughout Ontario, with a focus on serving southwest Ontario’s larger herds.

What are your new responsibilities?
Promote the company's products and services to large progressive dairy producers in Ontario.

What previous positions have you held?
At ABS, I worked in numerous positions including livestock care, semen production, sales, sales management, marketing, reproductive services, A.I. training and product management


What excites you most about working in your new role?
I am excited to be back in sales and being on the farm with the producers and, of course, the cows. I also like working with large dairy producers in achieving their economic goals on the farm.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I like to trouble-shoot and monitor. This is best way to achieve consistent results.

Why did you choose this company?
Jones has a long history of serving farmers well and there is a long tenure across the staff.

I also feel that Akey’s (nutrition support company) nutrition model and on-farm support is the most progressive in the industry. The dairy team here is also a great group of guys to work with.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
I want to help large herd owners achieve their production, reproduction and economic goals through the use of modern nutrition and practical application of service.  PD