What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I received my BSc in mathematics from McMaster University and then went to the University of Guelph to do my master studies in animal breeding and genetics. My thesis related to objective measurements and computer-generated scores for assessing dairy cattle conformation. This research was the catalyst for the new direction that Holstein Canada took with its classification services in 1993.

Please describe your dairy industry background.
I very much grew up in the business. I have been in the dairy industry for the past 25 years in various positions.

What are your new responsibilities?
I am responsible for developing tools that Semex’s genetic consultants will use on farm. These tools will provide practical solutions to help our customers. They will be flexible and will match specific customer needs and genetic objectives.

What previous positions have you held?
I started out as a research assistant and statistical analyst. Analyzing data is a great way to learn your industry!

I was promoted through the ranks to a senior executive position – director of genetic improvement and classification field services at Holstein Canada. I held that role for the past 18 years.

Under my direction, Canada’s classification program went through an evolution, making classification services more valued by non-users and commercial herds. The result was a 110 percent increase in the number of cows classified, with services growing to just short of 70 percent of Canadian dairies. Every trait became assessed according to its function, with the goal of making longer-living and healthier cows.


In 2005, I led the merger of all dairy breeds to be under one classification service. In 2007, we brought this all-breed classification service to Australia.

Also for a period of time, when Holstein Canada rewrote their entire computer systems, I managed a large IT department. I believe in passionately throwing yourself into your business with your eyes and ears wide open. This helps you develop an instinctive awareness of your customers and their needs.

What excites you most about working in your new role?
I am driven by the opportunity to make a difference and it is exciting to think about the possibilities ahead in our industry. Semex is a company with great leaders who provide their employees with the vision and the dynamics for growth.

The Semex environment encourages new ideas that constantly challenge the status quo. We have a tremendous outlook on the dairy industry’s future and how we’ll continue to meet our customers’ changing needs.

How will your activities in your new role be of help to dairy producers?
In the past, many of the services A.I. brought to the dairy focused more on bulls than on solutions. We’re committed to identifying our customers’ needs and then delivering them the solutions that are both practical and effective. Our services will be designed to be customer-friendly, with built-in measures to assess progress.

Why did you choose this company?
It was time for a new challenge and I had always admired the Semex people and product. The global A.I. business really excites me and it’s an exciting time to be a part of the Semex team! We’re focused on growing markets and our own people. I feel very lucky to have this opportunity.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
My goal over the next two years is to help make this company the A.I. industry’s best genetic solutions provider. I believe our product is second to none for quality, reliability and genetic opportunity. Our people in the field are very knowledgeable and passionate. Adding new client services and tools will further solidify Semex’s position as the industry’s leading A.I. company.  PD