"There are still benefits associated with verifying information on your calf crop," says Ginette Kurtz, AngusSource quality manager. "In previous years that focus was age; however, our program must shift to reflect current market demands."
To better serve the producers using registered Angus bulls, AngusSource and Gateway will take on a new approach to providing documented age, source and genetic information on Angus-influenced cattle. The Association is transitioning the age-and-source programs with the goal to provide in-house verification standards for cattle to qualify for AngusSource. While still continuing to verify the age, source and genetics with the same confidence the industry has come to trust and value.
With herd expansion on the horizon, the need for replacement heifers is expected to rise. Producers looking to purchase new females need to be confident in the genetic quality of each animal. And as consumers demand superior beef products, the ability to validate high performing animals will only become more important.
To meet that need, the AngusSource mission holds true – to increase the value of Angus-sired calves by ear-tag identification, updated marketing documents and additional strategies to promote Angus-sired calves.
"Calves wearing the AngusSource tag will continue to be in demand," Kurtz says. "The genetic data AngusSource provides and the additional information included in the marketing document conveys to buyers the added value of an AngusSource-tagged calf. This will not change."
For further information on AngusSource and to stay up-to-date on program announcements, visit the association website at www.angus.org.
-- American Angus Association news release