What education are you bringing with you to this position?

I am a graduate of North Dakota State University with bachelor of science degrees in speech communications and mass communications, with a minor in general agriculture. I also hold a master's degree in organizational leadership from Crown College.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I grew up on a Minnesota dairy farm and was active in 4-H and FFA. My husband, Matt, and I live in Delano with our daughter, Elizabeth. We raise beef cattle and sheep.

What are your new responsibilities?
In this position, I am responsible for coordination of all beef promotion and research activities in Minnesota, as well as the oversight and administration of the beef checkoff.

What previous positions have you held?
I spent six years working with the Minnesota Farm Bureau on their public relations team and prior to that, the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.


What excites you most about working in your new role?
The opportunity excites me to follow the beef product from gate to plate. The checkoff brings the product full circle. We are able to help promote beef and increase demand through multiple steps of the food chain.
How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I bring years of communication and industry promotion experience to this position. Our primary beef purchaser in the grocery store is a working mother aged 25-44. This is me! I can relate to the pressures and concerns consumers have about providing a nutritious and healthy meal to their families, while staying within a budget.
Why did you choose this organization?
Working in the agriculture industry is one of the most rewarding opportunities. It is very fulfilling to represent the beef industry, the producers and my family’s profession.
What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
Our industry is changing and yet this provides for many new and creative opportunities. We need to reach a new consumer audience in ways we have not traditionally considered. Let’s increase consumer trust, confidence and continue to provide a quality product that consistently finds itself at the center of the plate.  end mark