The new line, available in August and includes models LA4500DC, LA412DC and LA400DC, delivers greater connectivity, security and performance for residential customers.

Central to the new product features is the integration of MyQ technology, which allows customers to monitor, control and stay connected with their gate operator anywhere, anytime, with their smartphone, tablet or computer. Customers will receive peace of mind knowing that their gate is closed and secure, all through their connected device. The new line also includes Security+ 2.0 patented technology that ensures a strong and reliable signal to access property quickly and safely. The technology virtually eliminates interference and delivers twice the range of standard remotes.

Products in the new line feature the company’s battery backup power management system, providing low power draw when the gate is idle and battery backup that lasts for weeks when the power goes out. The line also includes a new two-segment, LED diagnostic display and common control board platform that reduces installation and troubleshooting time.

The new gate operators feature a solar performance system to help ensure gate functionality in areas where power is unavailable. Wireless dual gate operation eliminates the need for expensive wiring and trenching, and the new auto force adjustment feature learns the force profile of the gate and adjusts over time to provide consistent and safe operation.

For more information on the new line of gate openers, visit the LiftMaster website.  end mark


—From LiftMaster news release

Photo provided by LiftMaster.