JBS United and DeKalb Feeds enter joint venture to better serve Midwest livestock producers
DeKalb Feeds acquired the existing Frytown, Iowa, mill facility in September 1996, which included its trucks, employees, and field staff, as well as its customers. DeKalb closed its Onslow, Iowa, mill at that time and transferred its production to the Frytown facility. However, even with this additional production, it has never been fully utilized. Thus, the formation of CNS is a creative and proactive solution for DeKalb to better utilize its capacity and for both companies (JBS United and DeKalb) to meet their customers’ needs more efficiently.
Webel stated, “By combining the production needs of both DeKalb and JBS United, this mill can be operated more efficiently and cost-effectively.” Keaschall added, “The Frytown facility also offers tremendous flexibility to produce a variety of feeds very economically, which will help us expand on the current list of customers we serve.” This facility also includes a very large warehouse space and a lot of office space, which will easily allow the company to grow and accommodate more production. The mill’s central location is also expected to allow JBS United to react to customer needs more effectively and efficiently.
Through the combined depth of knowledge in livestock production and producer services provided by JBS United and DeKalb Feeds, Central Nutrition Services will be able to supply more consistent, reliable and on-time feeding solutions for all species of commercial livestock animals.
As part of Central Nutrition Services’ commitment to excellent service and customer profitability, the company has voluntarily adopted theSafe Feed / Safe Food standard. Safe Feed / Safe Food certification is a nationally recognized quality standard created by the American Feed Industry Association which establishes comprehensive measures of excellence that go beyond existing regulations to maximize feed and food safety.
—From CNS news release
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