Videos currently available for viewing on the Immediate Immunity channel include veterinarian and calf grower perspectives on:
  • newborn calf management protocols
  • the importance of colostrum
  • working with custom calf raisers
  • disease prevention in newborn calves

Steve Hayes, DVM and owner of Day 1 Technology, is a featured veterinarian on the channel. He indicates that providing immediate immunity to calves can have lasting effects on dairy and beef operations.

“How we handle the calf today may have an impact years later when the cattle enter the herd,” Hayes says.

“All diseases on a cow herd can be transferred to a calf on the day of birth. If we enlist  good, strict management that first day, and provide the calf with immediate immunity, calves can be protected against diseases and will do better in the long-run.”

Bobbi (Kunde) Brockmann, director of sales and marketing with ImmuCell, says the tools found on the page can help beef and dairy producers provide immediate immunity and long-term health benefits to their calves.

Brockmann says, “It’s vital to our industry that producers and veterinarians share their experiences and learn from one another about newborn calf management. The actions we take on day one play a pivotal role in the growth and productivity of the calf’s future.”  end_mark

—From ImmuCell news release


Image courtesy of ImmuCell.