The Red Angus marketing team created Allied Access to complement FCCP by assisting commercial ranches that capitalize on heterosis in their respective crossbreeding programs. Allied Access presents the same simple approach to age and source verification as FCCP but without the genetic restrictions.

Either of these tag options – Allied Access or FCCP – are the most economical choices in the industry with no enrollment fees and a cost of only 99 cents per panel tag.

Will Bledsoe, a sixth-generation rancher from Hugo, Colorado, has been enrolling cattle in FCCP over the years, but a slight change in their breeding program restricted their enrollment.

“We were distraught that all of our calves wouldn’t qualify for FCCP,” said Bledsoe. “But our spirits lifted when we learned about the new “Green Tag” Allied Access program.”

The Bledsoe Ranch was the first to enroll in the new program and they plan to use both FCCP and Allied Access tags. They market their calves on Western Video Auction for September or October delivery and they have been pleased with the increased profit margin on their calves wearing the Red Angus tags.

“We are always seeking to increase our profit margin and stay ahead of the curve. The Red Angus tags are a good investment,” said Bledsoe.

“We go through the work to raise good, quality cattle and we can add even more value to them with the Red Angus tags without adding a lot of labor.”

Since 1994, RAAA has offered programs for commercial ranches to add value to cattle as they navigate the supply chain. The evolution of FCCP consistently acknowledges those marketing opportunities and administers solutions in a cost-effective and user-friendly manner.

The FCCP will continue to provide age, source and genetic verification for cattle that are traceable to at least 50 percent Red Angus genetics with the industry-recognized “Yellow Tag.” The Allied Access “Green Tag” will also provide age and source verification but will be available to producers whose calves are less than half Red Angus.

“The scope of possibility is broadened for commercial ranches that choose to add value to cattle with age and source verification,” says Myron Edelman, RAAA director of added value programs.

“Both ranches that have cattle that are traceable to 50 percent Red Angus genetics as well as producers that choose to cross breed their Red Angus-based cowherds now have accessibility to Red Angus process verified programs.”   

Both FCCP and Allied Access are backed by Red Angus marketing programs. Cattle enrolled in either program may be marketed on the Red Angus Stockyards website listing as well as the popular FeederFax – both free services to commercial Red Angus customers.

The success of the FCCP is quantified by another record-setting year in which ranchers have enrolled more than 130,000 head – directly traceable to Red Angus bloodlines.


“The Allied Access program will increase the marketing options for our Red Angus stakeholders,” said Edelman, “while keeping the same, simple enrollment process with no enrollment fees.”  end_mark   

—From Red Angus Association of America news release

Photo by Progressive Cattleman staff.