The Teaching Academy is the first example of how members of the Consortium are making progress toward the group’s goal to collaborate in the advancement of initiatives critical to the future of the veterinary profession.

Consortium members are Colorado State University, Oregon State University, Western University of Health Sciences, Washington State University and University of California at Davis.

Pfizer Animal Health and each Consortium-participating college of veterinary medicine (CVM) will contribute $10,000 to jump-start the Teaching Academy’s operating budget.

Ten members, two from each member-college, will make up the steering committee for the Teaching Academy. They will meet during the second quarter of 2012 to complete governance design, identify strategic tasks and initial projects and assign working groups for each task.

The appointed members of the Steering Committee are:

  • Dr. Peter Hellyer and Dr. Ray Whalen (Colorado State University)
  • Dr. Sue Tornquist and Dr. Terri Clark (Oregon State University)
  • Dr. Peggy Schmidt and Dr. John Tegzes (Western University of Health Sciences)
  • Dr. Steve Hines and Dr. Leslie Sprunger (Washington State University)
  • Dr. Jan Ilkiw and Dr. Johanna (Joie) Watson (UC Davis)

The Consortium stated that the development of the Teaching Academy is a clear demonstration of the action-oriented collaboration the group has produced.

Furthermore, the appointment of dedicated, diverse, passionate individuals to the steering committee has already created a strong sense of ownership, pride and personal accountability to achieving tangible goals toward educational excellence.

Goals for the Teaching Academy include:

  • Generate innovative concepts for the advancement of veterinary education, including adult learning, teaching methods, mentorship, scholarship and leadership
  • Develop, review and disseminate best practices in veterinary education, such as, define competencies, assessment of teachers, methods and rewards and incentives
  • Contribute to and promote the development of instructional/teaching scholarships
  • Provide, promote and develop educational/instructional leadership

“Through the support of the Consortium members and Pfizer Animal Health, the steering committee of the newly created Teaching Academy will ensure that participation is rewarding and deliverables are relevant and enduring to Consortium members and all CVMs,” said Vanessa Mariani, director of academic and professional affairs, Pfizer Animal Health U.S.

The Consortium of Western Regional Colleges of Veterinary Medicine will reconvene at the American Veterinary Medical Association Convention in August to continue work on its midterm strategic goals.  end_mark


—From Pfizer Animal Health news release