Improved genetics can lead to several improvements in the quality of a beef herd. In a recent online poll, Progressive Cattle asked readers what traits they prioritize when considering new genetics. Increasing fertility rates and calving ease were the most popular benefits, drawing 35.2% of the vote. Consistent calf crops came in second, with 21.2%. Increased profits and premium opportunities, increased longevity and improved Prime grade and yield finished the running at 18.6%, 12.8% and 12.2%, respectively.
This poll was sponsored by the American Akaushi Association.
What benefit is the most important when considering new genetics for your herd?
Increasing fertility rates and calving ease: 35.2%
Consistent calf crop: 21.2%
Opportunities for premiums and increased profits: 18.6%
Increased herd longevity: 12.8%
Improving prime grade and yield: 12.2%