Name: Bethany Knutsen
City, state: Harrington, Delaware
Reign year: 2020-22

Summary of yourself and your ag/dairy background:

I am a senior at Woodbridge High School where I am involved in hockey, soccer, FFA and Honors Society. I live on a dairy farm in Harrington, Delaware, where we show cows at the Delaware State Fair. I hope to become an agronomist and eventually own my own business.

Schmitz audrey
Editor / Progressive Dairy

How your reign started:

My selection process was a little different when I started in 2020 because the selection for the state dairy princess was supposed to happen the week after covid started. Because I was the only one who applied, they gave me the title and crown.

Your promotion activities over the past year:

This past year I have visited several different Delaware creameries. I did a homemade ice cream demonstration and participated in Governor’s Day at the Delaware State Fair. I made several promotional videos and rode in a Christmas parade. I also attended different camps and schools to educate younger kids.

Delaware dairy princess promotion

Specific promotion activity you are most proud of from your reign:

My favorite promotion was attending the 4-H day camps because I loved teaching young kids about the importance of dairy. We played many fun activities, and the kids made homemade butter. The best part was the excitement on their faces when they saw I brought a baby calf for them to pet.

What you think it takes to be successful at promoting dairy:

In order to be successful in promoting dairy, you have to be a good communicator and have good speaking skills. You also have to have good knowledge of the dairy industry. It’s very important to have good social media and leadership skills and be kind, creative and engaging. end mark


PHOTO: 4-H camp members loved learning about the dairy industry while playing fun games, creating a craft and making homemade butter with Bethany Knutsen. Photos provided by Bethany Knutsen.