Buying a new bull can be a daunting task. But the work is not done. Receiving and transitioning new bulls to your operation is crucial to the success of your investment.
After selecting bulls from reputable herds, get a vaccination history on your bull. Now, give your veterinarian a call. Your veterinarian can advise you on follow-up vaccinations or tests that should be conducted on the bull before he is turned out with your herd.
One essential test prior to turnout is a breeding soundness exam (BSE). Many bull sales will have bulls already checked. If they aren’t, any reputable breeder would guarantee a bull to pass a BSE conducted by your veterinarian. I cannot stress enough the importance of having a yearly BSE done on all bulls you plan to use.
When new bulls arrive on your farm, quarantine them for a minimum of two weeks. This quarantine will allow time for potential pathogens to break without exposing your herd. Many times, cattle coming from a sale have experienced elevated stress. It is important to keep them on good feed, in a clean pen and allow the quarantine period to run its course.
The quarantine period is a great time to start transitioning the bull nutritionally. Knowing what bulls were fed prior to arriving at your farm is valuable. Providing a fiber-based diet including free-choice, long-stem grass hay can aid in transitioning the bull to pasture. Avoid high-grain diets. Also, provide a good mineral at 4 ounces per head per day in the feed or offer free-choice. Continue to monitor the bulls when on pasture. Supplement may be needed while on pasture, especially for yearling bulls still growing.
Here are a few more tips to help cows and heifers conceive early in the breeding season. Don’t short bulls on fly control. Poor fly control can lead to bulls wanting to stand in ponds, creeks or muddy areas to help cover surface area from flies, resulting in foot problems later in the season. Prior to turnout, make sure bulls are housed in clean areas with plenty of footing/traction to avoid foot problems or injuries.
Having the appropriate number of bulls is crucial to attaining a tight, short breeding season. Normally, a bull can service 20 to 30 cows. Younger bulls will be on the low end of that range and older bulls on the high end.
In summary, bull management is important to ensure a successful deployment of new genetics. Utilize your team to warrant success. Involve your bull supplier, veterinarian and nutritionist. Attention to the details will result in good return on your bull investment.