Calves & Heifers
A calf barn housing 40 calves where 37.2% of the calves contract pneumonia can cost the farm as much as $16,960. To minimize pneumonia-related losses, farms should focus on ventilation, nutrition and sanitation.
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Platinum heifers won’t be dropouts
Patience and a focus on a long, productive life and 10-week milk are all key to raising heifers that freshen in well and thrive as cows.
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Turn platinum heifers into golden girls
Creating an environment that creates and retains more profitable mature cows and producing the right number of quality mature heifers is a large part of the productive life story.
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Three reasons genomic testing can help improve calf programs
Healthier, more productive replacement heifers begin in the calf barn. Since many farms do not need to raise every heifer, using genomic testing can help farms identify the calves with the most potential.
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4 things you need to know before using implants in dairy beef calves
Implants are a tool used to increase profitability. Timing, potency levels and administration influence the efficacy of this tool.
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Extended colostrum and transition milk feeding: Pros, cons and implementation
While the initial colostrum feeding is still essential, feeding colostrum or transition milk for multiple days can help protect calves during their most vulnerable stage, resulting in fewer sick calves and better development.
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7 tips for designing the right calf barn
Just like cow barns, calf barn design matters. Ventilation, space, layout and cleanliness are all key to successfully raising calves in a barn.
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Meeting dairy welfare standards: Good for your animals and good for the dairy aisle
Thorough written protocols and implementing best animal care practices are important to improving farm management. Not only can this elevate animal care, it can also ensure farm staff know how to handle important situations.
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Setting calves up for a long-term, successful immune system
Setting up a calf’s immune system from the beginning impacts both her short-term and long-term health. This includes vaccinating dry cows, ensuring passive transfer and developing vaccination and immunostimulant protocols that align with the farm’s heifer-raising goals.
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