The sharp rise in beef-on-dairy over the last half-decade has forced the beef industry to face challenges – from calf raisers to the feedlot to the packing plant – that previously had played relatively minor roles.
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Is your heifer development program lacking this important step?
Nutritional decisions such as trace mineral supplementation can have a lasting, even generational, impact on the reproductive value of your cow herd and replacement heifers.
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Maximizing profits with smaller cows
Ideally, a profitable cow weans a calf that is 50% of her mature weight, which isn’t always feasible with heavier cows. Learn how frame scores, body condition and genetics can lead to greater profitability.
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Sexed semen: An opportunity to capture more value for cattle
Breeding with sexed semen can help your bottom line by creating cattle your particular market demands.
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Genetic testing benefits from a commercial cattleman’s point of view
Three commercial cattlemen share their experiences with genomic testing and how it has benefited their cattle individually and collectively.
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Adjustment factors help producers navigate use of multiple breeds
EPDs provide a lot of value when selecting bulls for your herd, but understanding across-breed EPD relationships can help producers more precisely apply heterosis and breed complementarity with their specific environment.
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Simple inheritance, genetic defects and DNA testing
Gaining a basic understanding of how genes are inherited and expressed can work wonders for the producer wondering how genetic testing can help his or her operation.
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Why are dairy-beef crosses so prominent right now?
The beef-on-dairy phenomenon seems to be here to stay. It’s worth looking at some of the industry dynamics that have led to the dramatic growth of this part of the national beef herd.
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Sustainability, beef-on-dairy big topics at BIF Symposium
Researchers, marketers, and commercial and seedstock producers from around the world gathered at the 2023 BIF Symposium to discuss how improving beef genetics are helping the industry face the modern world.
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Selecting for reproductive efficiency in beef herds
Keeping your cows on a 12-month calving interval is not an easy task, but understanding what their bodies are going through will help achieve that goal.
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