Who are the people behind the Proud to Dairy blog posts? Let’s get to know Lauren Schlothauer, a college student from New Mexico who has blogged about the passion she has developed for the dairy industry.

Lauren Schlothauer


1. Tell us about your dairy farm (or dairy background).

My grandmother and her family owned and worked on a Jersey dairy farm when they were growing up. I began showing dairy heifers in high school, as I wanted to continue my heritage. I also attended the U.S. Dairy Education and Training Consortium for six weeks in the summer of 2015.

I also worked on a dairy farm that was part of the Fair Oaks Farms network this past summer for one week, assisted in the birthing barn for one week and served as an adventure guide for the Fair Oaks Farms Dairy Adventure for about one month.

2. Give a shout-out to the people you dairy with (or the people you do dairy-related activities with).


Dr. Robert Hagevoort, an associate professor and extension dairy specialist in the extension animal sciences and natural resources department (College of Agriculture in the College of Consumer and Environmental Sciences) at New Mexico State University, has served as a mentor while at the U.S. Dairy Education and Training Consortium, and we have kept in touch after the program concluded.

Laura Daniels, a dairy farmer at Heartwood Farm and founder of the Dairy Girl Network, provided me with my first opportunity to write in relation to dairy science and has served as a mentor as well.

3. What’s your favorite farm memory?

Working on the farm this past summer, my favorite memories revolved around working with the calves in regards to feeding grain, milk and watering them, and enjoying spending time with the milking technicians while on lunch.

4. What makes you hopeful about the future of the dairy industry?

I’m hopeful about the dairy industry today because I’ve met so many outstanding young people, as well as those who are more established, who realize the importance of fostering sustainability of the dairy industry through youth.

5. What makes you Proud to Dairy?

Though I do not own a dairy farm nor work on one regularly, as I am a student, I am incredibly proud of my roots in the dairy industry. They have ultimately given me purpose in life and inspired me to pursue a career in agricultural communications.  end mark