The most important election of our lifetime is fast approaching. Some of us have made our decision and will punch the card for the candidates we have followed on the news networks. We have weighed the pros and cons and, based on what we have seen, are sure we have the right fellow.
We have listened to the super PAC attack dogs on both sides that have splattered the TV with ads. We have recognized that some of the ads are true and some of them are blatant lies.
We have waded through the campaign speeches and the commentaries and have made our own decision as to who won the debates, who is the most camera-worthy, the coolest celebrity and who draws the most crowds. Some have even studied the issues from many points of view and are sure we have our man and will not be persuaded otherwise.
Some of us have talked to our neighbors and our families to find out who they are voting for because we haven’t had time to watch the news. We simply say, “That is how my dad is voting, and I will vote with him.” Or we say, “I am a Democrat and my father was a Democrat and his father before him – and I am a Democrat. I will vote Democrat.” On the other hand, some say, “My father and grandfather and great-grandfather were Republicans and Lincoln and Reagan were Republicans – I will vote Republican.”
Some of us have looked at the posters and slogans along the street and made a decision based on who was the best-looking or which name sounded like an American president or an honest man. Some of us have even resorted to a coin toss and the eeny- meeny-miny-mo approach.
I assure you, this election is not an eeny-meeny-miny-mo proposition. We need to know the heart of the candidate, and we need to be sure that his philosophy is in line with our core beliefs and the founding documents. We can’t afford to allow someone to destroy what took generations and precious American blood to build. There are 10 principles that should be considered when voting.
1. Who are his friends?
My parents always told me, “You will know a man by the company he keeps.” If he chooses friends who are upright and righteous people, he will generally be upright and good. If he is not a good man, he will feel very uncomfortable with people who desire righteousness and eventually will seek his own kind. People don’t generally stay where they are uncomfortable. We all seek someone who understands and respects our philosophies.
2. What are the fruits of his labor?
Christ said, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” When choosing a candidate, it is vital to know what he has accomplished in his life. What kind of family life does he have? Where has he spent time and energy? What kind of books does he read or write?
Does he have a good work ethic, or is he a leisure seeker? Has he had a chance to vote on issues that we value? How did he vote? How does he spend money? Is he frugal or a spendthrift? We have to live with the results. The debts the government incurs belongs to the American people, not the governor or the president.
3. Does he value his fellow men?
What value does he place on human life? Is he pro-abortion, or pro-life? Does equal rights mean ‘equal opportunity’ or ‘spread the wealth around’? Does he focus on someone else’s mistakes or on the issues that will solve America’s economic problems?
Does he exhibit compassion for the jobless and focus on job creation, rather than looking for more reasons to blame others for the problem? Does he pay tribute to lawlessness and respect violence as a means to solve problems? Is he in touch with mainstream America? Does he understand what is at stake?
4. Does he respect the law of the land?
Does he understand and value the Constitution as the supreme law of the land? Is he willing to abide by its principles no matter how long it may take to make changes? Is he willing to subject himself to the will of the people no matter how it conflicts with his agenda? Is the executive order a first resort or a last resort? Does he respect and honor each branch of government equally and reverence the power of checks and balances?
5. Does he make and keep promises?
On the campaign trail, candidates make promises that they expect to fulfill. They speak in flowery terms of what they will do on the first day in office. If he has held an office, did he keep his first-day promise? Did he do what he said he would do?
Did he honor the oath of office or was he systematically trying to change the rules? Does the candidate exhibit fidelity to his wife and family? Does he honor his commitment to God? Does he honor the Sabbath Day? Does he give a tithe of all possessions? Does he pay an honest income tax? Does he contribute to help the poor out of his income without expecting to change the government to solve the problem of the poor?
6. Can he work with other people?
What has the candidate done in the past to show that he can work with other people? Has he served in capacities that deal with people? Has he been on a town council or a school board? Has he held public office? What were the results of the service?
7. Does he demand respect or command respect?
A great leader expects to accomplish something before he is honored. In fact, a great leader doesn’t think of being honored; he simply expects to successfully complete the task. He lives by the principle, “It is amazing how successful you can be, if you don’t care who gets the credit.” Undeserved honors are distasteful to a true leader. Great leaders nearly always shift the praise from themselves to those who helped the project be successful.
8. Does he respect and honor the traditions of the nation?
In private and in public, does he speak highly of America? Does he promote America’s greatness in every situation, or is there a hint of disrespect for America and its people? Does he, in word and action, promote the breadwinners of America? Does he honor and respect our Christian heritage?
Does he honor and promote Christian holidays as they were set up by our founders and subsequent leaders? Does he honor our traditional allies in Europe and other parts of the world? If he does not respect America’s timeworn traditions, why not?
9. Will he further the agenda of the Founding Fathers or will he destroy it?
The Founding Fathers were men of integrity with impeccable work ethics. They would be appalled at the attitude of many Americans who are satisfied with something for nothing.
Does the candidate running for office believe in a hand up or a hand out? Does he want to make America into the nanny-state in a European model or does he want to make America independent of government intervention where everyone prospers because of hard work and self-management?
10. Is the candidate a man of God?
The other nine principles of voting could be cast aside if you are sure that the candidate is a man of God. Does he have a habit of prayer? Does he keep the commandments? Does he counsel with God about the affairs of the nation?
Will he, in a moment of crisis, turn to God before he turns to his advisers? Does he exhibit signs of being a true Christian, or does he quote the Bible with the intent to further an agenda?
It is difficult, in these days of mass media and differing opinions about honesty and integrity, to come to a conclusion about who the best candidate would be, but we don’t need to depend solely on the media. Prayer is still available. If we watch a super PAC ad, we can say a silent prayer and say, “Father in Heaven, is this ad true?” If we stop and listen with our hearts, the answer will come into our minds.
God has never left His people to wander without guidance unless they do not ask. We don’t need to do the eeny-meeny-miny-mo or coin toss. God will direct us, if we are willing to follow Him. He has promised, “Ask and ye shall receive and knock and it shall be opened.” We need His direction more than ever before in the history of America. PD