HOW WE MET: I came across Sharon at World Dairy Expo. She was working as a volunteer for Downtown Madison Ambassadors and agreed to answer some questions while pausing a few times to assist visitors with maps and tourist information on the Madison area. Sharon Fallon, 65 Madison, Wisconsin Retired teacher

Lee karen
Managing Editor / Progressive Dairy


Last time you visited a farm?

I have been to the cow building at the UW ( University of Wisconsin – Madison ) on field trips with my grandkids. I remember going to my cousin’s horse and buffalo farm.


How close have you ever been to a cow?

I put my hand inside a cow’s stomach on a field trip at the UW.



What dairy products do you most frequently buy?

Cottage cheese, milk, half and half – and cheese


Why do you consume dairy products?

I like the way they taste.


How many gallons do you buy in a month?

One gallon of milk for me. My husband consumes about one-and-a- half gallons.


What is a good deal for a gallon of milk?

I don’t know. My husband usually buys it. I’d guess $1.49 for a half- gallon.


How much is too much to pay for a gallon of milk?

$5 per gallon


What is your favorite or most frequent time/place to consume dairy products?

During breakfast at home. I usually have a bowl of fruit with cottage cheese, coffee with half and half – and butter on whole-wheat toast.


If one-on-one with a dairy farmer, what question would you ask him or her?

Are you able to succeed financially? There’s an idea out there that small dairy farms are breaking even at best.

How many undocumented workers are on your farm? Farmers need to be upfront about this. It would be the start of what this country needs to do. People will listen to dairy farmers because they are so well respected in our country.


What word would you use to describe the work of a dairy farmer?



Positive industry image

Family farms are stewards of the land and interested in producing safe, healthy food.


Negative industry image

Polluting water – streams, lakes and so forth – and the mistreatment of animals at corporate farms.


Who do you trust for information about your food?

The ingredients list and Dr. Oz. PD


How many cows are there in the average herd in your state?


Correct answer: 105