Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer recently signed a controversial new law that gives Arizona's local law enforcement and county attorneys more authority to "assist in the enforcement of federal immigration laws." When the changes are effective in August, local cops will have more power to detain, question and even deliver to federal authorities those they stop who do not have proper residency documentation.

Brewer said Washington's inaction contributed to her decision to support the bill.

Meanwhile, Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, is waiting for at least one more Republican senator to co-sponsor the Senate bill he has authored with Sen. Charles Schumer, a Democrat from New York. Lindsey would like at least one more Republican sponsor for the bill. This could explain why Pres. Barack Obama recently called several senators to ask for their support on immigration reform.

Sen. Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader and a Democrat from Nevada, has said he will introduce the bill after Memorial Day if he thinks he has the votes to move the legislation forward. His tally of Democratic supporters in the Senate currently stands at 56. Is it time to call your senator yet? If you support the plans for immigration reform, yes. If not, then no action is required.

Walt Cooley