July is one of my favorite months of the year. The weather is perfect, and it’s hard to beat that carefree summertime feeling. Growing up, July meant county fair week and time on our boat cruising around Washington’s Puget Sound or at our family cabin on the water. On a hot day, it’s hard to beat being on the water paddleboarding, kayaking, jet skiing, swimming or participating in other water activities.

Devaney kimmi
Editor and Podcast Host / Progressive Dairy

On the farm, the cows may not be able to jump in the lake or partake in our favorite water sports, but it’s just as important (if not more important) to make sure they also stay cool and comfortable all summer long.

Prioritizing cow comfort with proper ventilation and cooling begins during the planning process before constructing a new barn. Brian Rodenburg provides tips for setting priorities and long-term goals when planning to build a new barn. He also emphasizes the importance of education throughout the entire process, including visiting as many farms as possible and asking questions.

“Always ask what they would do differently, as well as what they see as both the biggest benefits and biggest disadvantages of their choices,” Rodenburg says in the article. “Look around their dairies and try to assess the level of management on those farms in comparison to your own. Some systems work better for some farms – and farmers – than for others, and this almost always comes down to farm management. Be honest with yourself about your management acumen and level of ambition, or be prepared to make the necessary changes to achieve success. Once the concrete is poured and cows are in, the cheapest thing to change is you; however, this is often the hardest.”

Additionally, Rodenburg offers several considerations for various systems that impact animal welfare, profitability and job satisfaction, including cow-cooling, bedding and milking systems, to name a few.


Speaking of bedding, learn more about which type of bedding best fits your farm’s cow comfort goals. In the article, Amber Adams-Progar shares some of the advantages and disadvantages of bedding with compost, rubber stall mats, water mattresses, sand, sawdust, wood shavings and straw.

To read more about keeping cows cool and comfortable, check out the plethora of articles on our website. You can either use the search bar on the homepage or navigate through the topics tab. First, click on “Progressive Dairy” at the top (going directly to progressivedairy.com will also take you here), then click on “topics” on the menu bar. Our cow comfort articles are filed under “barns,” where you will see topics such as cow cooling, ventilation and more. If you haven’t created an account and linked your print subscription yet, be sure to do that to access unlimited articles and content on our website. If you need help, reach out to our circulation team via email or by calling (208) 324-7513.

As I wrap this up, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention another of my favorite ways to cool down – ice cream! In the spirit of July being National Ice Cream Month, check out the infographic to learn about America’s favorite flavors. Did your favorite make the list?


Graphic by Kristen Phillips.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and take some time to relax and enjoy the season with your family and friends.