I believe I’ve said this before, but in order to ring in the New Year with an issue on Jan. 1, we start planning well in advance. This summer, we outlined our plans for 2016, and by fall we are sharing these plans with our advertisers and editorial contacts so everything is in place when it is time to print.

Lee karen
Managing Editor / Progressive Dairy

Our New Year’s Eve is celebrated with our annual all-company meeting, where employees from all parts of the company – sales, circulation, office, production and editorial – as well as all publications (beef, dairy and forage) come together to review the past year, discuss plans for the new and engage in activities to make us a stronger team.

I’m excited to say that in this new year, we have a couple of new items in store for our Canadian audience. On or around the time you’re reading this, our first-ever French edition is also arriving in mailboxes throughout Canada.

We wanted to reach all of Canada, and to do that, we knew it was important to publish in the French language as well. We are doing this with two separate publications – one in English and one in French.

Some of the same content will appear in both, while each one will also offer some region-specific articles and advertisements. If you, or someone you know, would prefer to receive this magazine in French, feel free to subscribe.


The next new item I am pleased to tell you about is our Progressive Dairyman – Canada Extra e-newsletter. Our plan is to debut this in 2016. It will arrive in your email inbox once a month and bring you extra content you have not yet seen.

Some of you may already receive an Extra e-newsletter from us. That version is primarily paired with our U.S. magazine. If you’d like, you can continue to receive that copy as well as our new Canada-specific copy, or you can simply choose one or the other.

If you sign up now, which I encourage you to do, you will likely start receiving our U.S. Extra for the time being, until our Canada Extra comes out in 2016.

At that point, we will switch you exclusively to the Canada email list or place you on both, depending upon the preference you indicate when signing up.

This month we’ll be at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in Woodstock, Ontario. Feel free to stop by our booth to say “Hi.” I always look forward to connecting with those I’ve met from the area as well as meet new faces.

Speaking of connections, we’ve been happy to connect with all of our readers each and every month for the last few years.

However, we also want to make sure our magazine is always sent to those who want to read it, so if you don’t renew your subscription every once in a while, there’s a chance we will remove you from our mailing list. Inside this issue, there may be a notice that this is your last issue.

To keep getting this magazine, please take a moment to let us know you would like to receive it. You can do this a number of ways:

1. Go online 

2. Stop by our booth at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show and fill out a subscription form.

3. Call (800) 320-1424 or (208) 324-7513

The best part is that while you are renewing your print subscription, you can also sign up to receive our new Extra e-newsletter or our new French edition.

Best wishes to you and any new beginnings you are embracing as well.  PD

Karen Lee