The 2021 World Dairy Expo was my first trip since March of 2020. It felt long overdue, and I felt like it had been much longer than 18 months since I last traveled, but after two-and-a-half days of absorbing all the knowledge I could and catching up with as many people as I could, I was ready to be home again.

Hendrix joy
Managing Editor / Progressive Forage

On my drive to the airport, I felt more fulfilled than I had in a while. I had the chance to catch up with some producers and meet new producers face to face. I learned about new innovations for producers like the new LEAF test (LEAF: The new tool of forage evaluation) and experienced the passion that is evident when our industry comes together, which fueled me despite my tired feet and lack of sleep.

The excitement quickly faded when I arrived at the airport to learn my flight was delayed. Then delayed again, and again, and again. Finally, when it looked like we were about to take off (2.5 hours later), we learned we didn’t have enough fuel and had to return to the gate. By the time we took off, I figured I was going to be left with 13 minutes to make my connection in the Dallas/ Fort Worth airport. My mood soured as I realized my chances were slim, and I was most likely looking at another night in a hotel just to wake up and be on standby until I could get a flight home.

Because of a very nice flight attendant who made sure I got off the plane first that night and called the gate I was headed to letting them know I was on my way, I made that connection and made it home that night. I thanked the woman repeatedly, to which she responded, “No need to thank me, I’m drinking from my saucer today.”

After some deeper diving, I learned she was referencing this poem by John Paul Moore. The poem reads:


I’ve never made a fortune,
And I’ll never make one now
But it really doesn’t matter
’Cause I’m happy anyhow

As I go along my journey
I’m reaping better than I’ve sowed
I’m drinking from the saucer
’Cause my cup has overflowed

I don’t have a lot of riches,
And sometimes the going’s tough
But with kin and friends to love me
I think I’m rich enough

I thank God for the blessings
That His mercy has bestowed
I’m drinking from the saucer
’Cause my cup has overflowed

He gives me strength and courage
When the way grows steep and rough
I’ll not ask for other blessings for
I’m already blessed enough

May we never be too busy
To help bear another’s load
Then we’ll all be drinking from the saucer
When our cups have overflowed.

In the month of thankfulness, remember how your cup overflows regardless of the challenging times. Despite the delayed flight, I was thankful for the opportunity, and I am thankful for the woman who felt as if she was reaping better than she sowed. Remember why your cup is overflowing this November, and may you drink from your saucer all season long. May you catch all your flights and have a happy Thanksgiving.