Words hold immense power. They can uplift and inspire or hurt and discourage. With words, we can build bridges of understanding or walls of division. They shape our thoughts, influence actions and leave lasting impacts. Choose your words wisely, for they can change lives and shape our world.

Hendrix joy
Managing Editor / Progressive Forage

Some experiences and emotions in life are so profound that words fail to capture their essence. These go beyond what words can describe, leaving us in a state of awe, wonder and deep thought.

I’ve been writing as a profession for my entire adult life, but my fascination with attempting to capture emotions and feelings with words started long before that. Recently, I’ve experienced some things in life where I have come to terms with the fact that I cannot adequately describe the entire picture with mere words.

The splendor of a breathtaking sunset, the vastness of the ocean and the serenity of a star-filled night sky evoke feelings that are beyond verbal expression. The sweet scent of fresh-cut alfalfa on a humid night, the gentle roar of a combine as it works through a field of corn or the gentle bellow of a mama cow as she calls for her calf in the middle of a moonlit night. These are all sensations that can be put into words, but the feelings they stir up inside those of us who acknowledge we are just a small part of a much bigger picture cannot be.

You see, these sights and sounds could be easily passed over, but if you take a moment of contemplation and recognize what each of these moments represent, you are on track for a deeply philosophical moment of self-reflection. They all represent just a tiny glimpse of how small each of our lives may seem when compared to the bustling world around us. It makes my journey to try to capture these moments with words feel insignificant.


There are moments I won’t have words to describe. The first time holding a newborn baby, the last time bidding farewell to a loved one or trying to craft the appropriate response to the devastating news of a young mother taking a turn for the worse in her battle with cancer.

I won’t always have the right words, but I will continue to keep trying. Every stumble is a step toward growth. Remember, progress often comes from perseverance through setbacks. Each effort, even if it falls short, builds resilience and wisdom. Keep striving because every attempt brings you closer to success. Embrace the journey, learn from the falls and never stop trying.

I encourage you to keep pressing on toward the goal that seems unattainable for you. Even when you fall short, perhaps you can achieve something to inspire others.