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Puck Enterprises designs and manufactures industry-leading manure and liquid transfer systems and application equipment. At Puck, we strive to create flexible solutions that get the job done right.
Since building the world’s first lagoon agitation boat, we have applied our expertise and firsthand knowledge to further push our products and technology. Our world-class liquid manure pumps, hose carts, applicators, manure agitation boats, manure agitation trailers, and mass-mix systems are all designed to make your operation more efficient. Puck dragline equipment and our pump control system helps you save money, save time, and boost profits.
At Puck, we understand the importance of good manure management. Our manure operation crew uses the full line of Puck manure injection equipment, from lead and booster pumps to manure pit agitators and toolbar applicators. We use our own equipment to spread manure because we know Puck equipment is Built to Lead.