Items Tagged with 'financial stability'
Risk management programs like Dairy Revenue Protection help dairy producers manage price volatility and maintain financial stability.
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Four tips to help unlock the potential of beef-on-dairy
Beef-on-dairy can be a viable and useful option for increasing calf value. However, for maximum return, farms should provide quality care and strategize when they sell them.
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The mindset of margin management
Culture, labor and feed costs, risk management and revenue management are key considerations when managing margins on a dairy farm.
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Three ratios to improve your dairy’s financial fitness
As we age, health principles like stability, cardio and strength are vital, just as key financial ratios like working capital, debt-to-equity and debt service are essential for assessing and improving the financial health of dairy operations.
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It pays to be paranoid: Considerations when developing contingency plans for your farm
Cross-training employees for multiple roles, preserving working capital, having a balance sheet with depth of equity, developing contingency plans and clear protocols, and conducting scenario-based trainings can help an operation navigate unexpected circumstances.
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Navigating market volatility with Dairy Revenue Protection
Risk management programs like Dairy Revenue Protection help producers maintain financial stability, especially during times of low milk prices.
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Reduce financial risk when buying replacement heifers
To reduce exposure to risk, a rancher must consider replacing heifers without causing financial stress to the operation. Accurate recordkeeping, understanding the impact of higher interest rates and knowing the income streams your ranch can provide are critical.
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Dairy farming with a $15 breakeven
Maximizing parlor efficiency, quality feed, reducing expenses without sacrificing quality, labor efficiency, maintaining financial stability and diversifying revenue streams are several ways to reduce breakeven cost while maximizing profitability.
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Who is in your corner when times get tough?
Evaluating fixed and variable costs throughout the operation can help identify areas where cost and labour savings can be achieved. However, cow comfort is an area that should not be cut.
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