Items Tagged with 'genetic evaluations'
One of the biggest challenges facing feedlot operators is the threat of cattle developing congestive heart failure as they approach slaughter. Can we alleviate that liability by taking a closer look at cattle’s genetic makeup?
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Basic numbers and big data: Measuring herd success
Breeding stock selections can be made using more than a handful of methods. While genomics, EPDs, indexes and genetic testing dominate many of these decisions, other, often ignored or unknown practices, are still relied on. Can these methods work together?
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Defining efficiency: BIF Symposium offers ideas, potential solutions to genetic questions
The Beef Improvement Federation held its annual symposium in June. Several speakers focused on the importance of moderation and environment-specific attention to detail in genetic selection.
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New tool measures genetic value of replacement heifers
AngusLink’s Genetic Merit Scorecard has added a fourth score option, Maternal, to demonstrate the maternal weaned calf value to aid in the selection of replacement females.
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Cattlemen’s College: Using genomics to unravel heterosis
Unlocking a herd’s genetic potential has never been more of a reality, with genomic tools allowing producers to understand how certain traits are being passed to the next generation.
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Getting a clearer picture with the help of genomics
As genomic testing continues to be utilized more on both commercial and seedstock operations, let’s look at what genomics can tell us about an animal’s actual genetic merit and reduce the risk on your ranch.
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They’re alive … or not: Using technology to determine embryo viability
Emerging technologies in imaging and machine learning present new opportunities to ensure the viability of embryos at earlier stages than ever before.
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Researchers to ID genetic tools to improve growth efficiency
A new grant will allow UNL scientists to better gather information from cattle's mitochondrial genome, which can serve as a tool to improve growth efficiency.
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