Items Tagged with 'poisonous weeds'
Grazing your cattle in wooded areas presents several challenges but could also provide an opportunity to make your operation more efficient and profitable.
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The real dangers of hemlock
Poison hemlock can be deadly to cattle, whether grazed or consumed in hay or silage. An ability to identify it can help you avoid devastating losses.
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Poisonous plants that threaten livestock operations
Poisonous plant infestations can make grazing public and private lands challenging; it's crucial to identify possible problem plants in your grazing area and know the signs and symptoms of animals exposed to these plants.
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Know these livestock-poisonous and abortifacient plants
Let’s take a look at some examples of non-native and native toxic-to-livestock plants that can harm the developing fetus or outright kill the dam.
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Plants that practice the martial arts
Hairy vetch, poison ivy and poison oak can cause strong immunological responses in livestock. However, if producers keep a close eye on their animals, they can sleep soundly at night, even in these plants’ presence.
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