Items Tagged with 'cost of gain'
Smaller producers often simply accept as fact that their production costs are going to be higher than their larger counterparts. However, there are myriad ways for any herd to become more cost-effective and profitable.
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Cattler app improves efficiency for producers
Ranchers always look for ways to save time so they can efficiently run their cattle operations. The Cattler mobile app and desktop software platform benefits beef producers and their cattle with a variety of programs.
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Changing cattle markets lead to changing cattle performance
Performance metrics such as feed efficiency and cost of gain have informed cattle feeders’ decision-making for years. However, understanding how these metrics apply at different stages of feeding and how packers value them can increase an operation’s profitability even further.
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Sexed semen: An opportunity to capture more value for cattle
Breeding with sexed semen can help your bottom line by creating cattle your particular market demands.
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Planning: The key to backgrounding on grass
When carefully considered, backgrounding calves to different weights can offer a path to more profitability for cow-calf producers as they market their calves at less conventional times.
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Recording and analyzing data: Does it really help?
Measuring weights and accurately recording health events can help improve management decisions, which is how we improve over time.
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Considerations when using self-feeders to finish cattle
Self-feeders exist on almost every cattle feeding operation, but they’re not always utilized properly. Taking these steps will help your self-feeders be as efficient and profitable as possible.
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Cost of gain vs. cost per ton
When profit margins get tight, slashing feed costs is often a producer’s first instinct. But that may ultimately end up costing more than an investment in quality feed.
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Making good decisions during the current upswing
Sound decision-making now will lay the foundation for how your operation will fare in the next downturn.
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Putting a pencil to retained ownership this spring
Even though most with cattle to sell may have already made that choice, it’s worth considering the outcomes if you do still have cattle you have the option to retain.
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