Items Tagged with 'air speed'
Using a combination of inlet, circulation and exhaust fans can provide and circulate fresh air while removing moisture and helping to prevent freezing in the barn.
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How to avoid ventilation pitfalls in the spring and fall
Explore the pitfalls associated with off-season ventilation and learn about actionable strategies to address these issues.
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5 things to know about ventilation
Understanding the basics about air quality and airflow, how each type of ventilation system operates in various types of facilities and how to maximize cow comfort and performance are key to optimize your ventilation system.
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Ventilating repurposed structures for calf housing
Existing barns can often be retrofitted into excellent calf housing. However, care must be taken to ensure proper ventilation, pen layout and fresh-air distribution to promote good calf health and performance.
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Maximize the effectiveness of calf barn ventilation with computerized calculations
What if a farm could run multiple scenarios with barn layout to find their perfect design before pouring a drop of concrete or driving a single screw? Using new software called computational fluid dynamics, now they can.
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Going from good to great with fans
Air speed, air exchange, climate conditions, automation and taking into account the needs of the animals housed in the barn are five key considerations when adding fans to dairy barns.
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Does your ventilation system work?
Observing cow behavior, mapping air speed, looking for any issues with fan placement or maintenance and fogging sections of the barn are some of the ways to check the effectiveness of the barn’s ventilation system.
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Are more fans the answer?
Air speed, air exchange and overall ventilation benchmarks depend on many factors, including number of cows and type and size of dairy facilities.
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