Items Tagged with 'fodder'
River Ranch Farms LLC leads sustainable dairy farming with an automated indoor feed mill producing sprouted grain fodder, reducing water use and enhancing operational efficiency.
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Olly olly oxalates
Oxalates are relatively common compounds in plants, but they can affect mineral availability and can potentially be toxic, as in forages such as fodder beets and Kikuyu grass.
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Fodder production using hydroponics studied at Cornell
A hydroponic forage study at Cornell University showed a small decrease in dry matter intake and an increase in efficiency to make milk when fed in a dairy cattle TMR.
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Hydroponic-grown forages in dairy feeds: A viable option?
Hydroponically grown forages may have a place in dairy feeding. Equipment costs are high and may outweigh the benefits, but each farm needs to evaluate the economics of such an investment.
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Hydroponic forages: A potential resource for beef cattle
Hydroponic forages are developing a presence in the U.S. and have the potential to become a good source of high-quality feed for cattle.
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