Londa Johnson LaCrescent, Minnesota Central Plains Area Representative and Type Appraiser American Jersey Cattle Association/National All-Jersey, Inc.
Please describe your agricultural background.I grew up on a 120-cow herd located in southeast Minnesota. We milk registered Jerseys and Holsteins and farm about 300 acres of cropland.
What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I graduated in May 2010 from the University of Wisconsin – River Falls with a degree in dairy science and a minor in communications.
What territory will you cover?
I will provide on-farm service in Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota.
What are your new responsibilities?
I will assist with animal identification, performance programs, sale selections and breed promotion in my territory and also travel nationwide as an evaluator for the AJCA linear type traits appraisal program.
What previous positions have you held?
While in college, I had two internships. One was with the Midwest Dairy Association as an industry relations/communications intern. My second internship was with ABS Global as a progeny promotions intern. Following graduation I worked as a dairy nutritionist for 14 months.
What excites you most about working in your new role?
I am excited to be working with Jersey business owners across the country. I also look forward to traveling and seeing different dairy operations and meeting new people.
How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I will help producers increase the value of their cattle by assisting them with improving animal identification, helping them with marketing both animals and dairy products and promoting the Jersey breed.
Why did you choose this company?
I chose the American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey Inc. because I sincerely enjoy working with Jersey breeders and helping them increase the value of their herds through use of our core services like animal identification, performance evaluation, type appraisal, equitable milk marketing and cattle marketing.
What goals would you like to accomplish in this position?
My goals for this position are to contribute to the growth and improvement of the Jersey breed, and bring value from AJCA and NAJ services to the dairy farms I work for. PD