Angie Garavet Professional Services Veterinarian AnimartDelafield, Wisconsin

What education are you bringing with you to this position?

I graduated from UW-Madison in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in animal science. I also graduated in January 2015 from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine with a business certificate and A.I. certification. My last year of clinical training of veterinary school was at the University of Illinois School of Veterinary Medicine.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I actually grew up in a suburban area in Waukesha. I did not get any solid agricultural background until attending UW-Madison. There I learned how to milk cows, how to show a heifer, worked with poultry for a summer, took care of research animals and did a lot of activities through the pre-veterinary club.

What territory will you cover?
I cover southeastern Wisconsin.

What are your new responsibilities?
I visit different farms and evaluate their overall herd health, make suggestions, go through vaccination protocols and make recommendations based on the producer’s needs and my observations. I am also able to provide different visits, including educational or teaching programs for farms that would like me to. I also hope to work on my Spanish-speaking skills and be an asset that way as well.


What previous positions have you held?
I have had many veterinary-related jobs in the past, but this is my first veterinary job as a newly graduated veterinarian.

Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
I have had a lot of good advice from various professors at Ross University and from University of Illinois School of Veterinary Medicine in my clinical year. Dr. James Robinson (JQ) from Ross and Drs. Brian Aldridge, James Lowe and Chelsey Ramirez from Illinois were all imperative in my learning process. My parents, husband and faith have helped me to be honest and practice with integrity.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
Any way I can be of help to a producer, I will try to be. A lot of my job is going through what the farm does now and providing suggestions to make the farm and animals run more efficiently in the future. The biggest thing is to listen to what producers have to say and observing the clinical signs displayed by their cattle. It is never good to act on something or provide advice before you know the whole picture.

Why did you choose this company?
I chose Animart because it is different. The role of the veterinarian here has more time on each farm, has a better grasp on how their clients are treating different problem diseases and how prevalent diseases they’re seeing are. With more antibiotic use guidelines and scrutiny these days, the Animart veterinarian can also limit the drugs that the producer is using and provide them with other options to correct current issues.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
My goal right now is continual learning each day. I am supposed to provide answers to producers on a daily basis, but in most cases, I am learning something new as I look more into each problem. I am humble enough to admit when I do not know something, but still eager enough to let them know I will consult with other veterinarians and do my own research and get them the best answer available. PD