Jacquelyn Sherry Communications Specialist Select Sires Columbus, Ohio

What education are you bringing with you to this position?
I graduated in May 2014 from The Ohio State University with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural communication and a minor in dairy science.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I grew up on a small family dairy farm in Greenville, Ohio. I was an active member of 4-H showing Holsteins and Ayrshires at the county and state fairs. In 2010, I was on the Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Team and continued my judging career throughout college as a member of the Ohio State Dairy Judging Team.

I served as the 2012 Ohio Holstein Queen, a member of Buckeye Dairy Club, Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow Club and served as a graphics co-editor to the annual college magazine. Today, I’m a member of the Ohio Holstein Association assisting with junior programs.

What territory will you cover?
I will be at Select Sires in Plain City, Ohio.


What are your new responsibilities?
I will be responsible for domestic and international visitor programs, the employee newsletter, updating and creating flyers and other promotional materials as well as the crossbreeding directory. My job is to effectively promote Select Sires genetic programs and services as well as design and produce materials to support the Select Sires brand.

What previous positions have you held?
In 2012 I started my internship with Select Sires in the communications department where I learned about the company and design skills. Through my internships I have created the breeding calendar, color breed ads, assisted with tradeshow materials and helped create materials to promote Select Sires.

Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
There are many people who helped to lead me down this path. My parents helped me develop my passion for the dairy industry growing up. Throughout college I had many teachers, coaches and peers who helped me form the friendships with people from all over the industry, and as I interned with Select Sires, I had great help from my department and throughout the entire company.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I will be able to communicate with members of the entire Select Sires federation to gather information needed to create materials for customers as well as create a positive image for the visitors of Select Sires and for the entire dairy industry.

Why did you choose this company?
I chose to continue with Select Sires because I am intrigued by how much teamwork goes into creating a quality product. There are many teams working together within the company, but each one is just as important as the next. I believe in the mission of Select Sires and the service they provide to enhance the dairy industry.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
To increase customer awareness of the different genetic programs Select Sires has to offer and to promote the dairy industry through our excellent genetic lineup. PD