Tom and Vivian Wolf, their son, Tim, and their daughter, Lisa Gress, owners of Spring-Run Farms in Shreve, Ohio, have been named Mideast Area 2011 Members of Distinction by Dairy Farmers of America, Inc. (DFA). The Wolfs and Gress were recently honored at the 2011 DFA Annual Meeting. DFA’s Members of Distinction program recognizes members who excel on their operations, in their communities and in the industry. Honorees inspire others through their actions, leadership and involvement, and represent the best of the dairy industry. Each year, one notable member farm from each of DFA’s seven Areas is selected to receive this honor; Spring-Run Farms is the 2011 honoree from the Mideast Area.

Tom bought Spring-Run Farms from his parents in 1963. Now, his children, Tim and Lisa, are prepared to carry on the dairy tradition with the same hard-work ethic that has been used since it started. Tim is currently a partner and first in line to take over the operation. Lisa works part-time as a registered veterinary assistant, raises the farm’s calves and pitches in wherever needed.

Their 90 registered Ayrshires are milked in a double-four herringbone parlor, fed a TMR, and are housed in a loose housing bedding pack barn built in 2005. Thanks to a heavy focus on cow comfort, the family has earned a gold quality award from the Mideast Area for the past three years.

“In addition to the top quality of the farm, the Wolfs also meet Member of Distinction criteria as they inspire others through their contributions to their community and the dairy industry,” says Will Moore, the Wolf’s field representative. He says that Tom, a 24-year member of the Wayne County Fair Board, who also served as dairy superintendent, helped build the Wayne County Fair dairy show into the premier county show in Ohio. Reflecting on retiring from the board last year, Tom says, “As you look over the show ring, you can see each dairy farm family’s traits showing up in the next generation, showing cattle as their parents did.” Vivian, a retired surgical nurse, is an accomplished painter. She exhibits her watercolors, acrylics and pencil drawings at local fairs and shows. Her favorite subjects are Ayrshire cattle scenes and portraits of their grandchildren.

Tim and Lisa are active with 4-H youth and have coached the county dairy quiz bowl teams for more than 20 years, earning many first place finishes. This year, the team, which includes Lisa’s daughter, Eileen, won the national contest at the 2011 North American International Livestock Competition in Louisville, Kentucky.


“You will see the Wolf’s Ayrshires at the Ohio State Fair and in state and national cattle sales. Many Ayrshire 4-H projects in the area came from the Wolf herd,” says Moore. The family also has a pair of Ayrshire oxen, which are featured in parades and historical events.

Tom has a collection of 160 pedal tractors and 12 full-size antique tractors displayed in a building on the farm. Lisa’s husband, Joe, is in the tractor restoration business.

“Named for the spring that runs through the pasture, the farm is a showcase site for a family farm,” says Moore. “It has been a tour or picnic stop for both national and state Ayrshire Association events, 4-H club picnics and the Wayne County Fall Farm Tour.

“The family’s commitment to the dairy farm, community and industry shows that the owners of Spring-Run Farms have prepared for continuing success in the future,” Moore says. PD

—From Mideast Industry Insider

DFA’s Mideast Area 2011 Members of Distinction include, left to right, Lisa Gress, Tom Wolf, Tim Wolf and Vivian Wolf.
Photo courtesy of DFA.