Two new 30-second TV spots were launched on specialty and conventional channels, and double-page ads will appear in several popular consumer magazines, such as Canadian House & Home, Chatelaine and Canadian Living, until the end of the year.

Online banner ads and special content integrations with CTV will also be used to reach consumers.

0813ca promotion 1The fall edition of DFC’s AYNIC magazine was launched late August; it focuses on the harvest season, featuring traditional recipes that use local products to please the whole family.

To kick-start back-to-school season, DFC partnered with Walmart Supercentres to hold a promotion called “Meal planning with Canadian Cheese.”

This promotion aimed to help consumers plan mealtimes in a flash with AYNIC tips and ideas, which were advertised on Walmart Supercentres’ in-store screens and in a free promotional booklet; tastings were also held to showcase the versatility of 100% Canadian cheese.

Finally, “The Big Little Book of Canadian Cheese” is the essential guide for everything you always wanted to know about cheese including how to serve, pair and savour Canadian cheeses.

Between Oct. 7 and Nov. 3, this guide will be distributed in 331 participating LCL stores nationally, including RCSS Ontario & West, RASS, Fortinos, Loblaws Ontario, Zehrs and YIGS.

There will also be 422 demonstrations in select stores during the weekends of Oct. 19-20 and Oct. 26-27.

To learn more visit this site.

0813ca promotion 2And the number one reason to support 100% Canadian Milk is ...
The last of the 100 Good Reasons from the national branding campaign promoting the 100% Canadian Milk symbol was launched at the end of the summer.

Reason #1: Good Things Come From 100% Canadian Milk! features four videos about a Canadian dairy farmer, an ice cream processor, a creamery and a cheese maker. It will be promoted until the end of the year.

A national (except Quebec) in-store contest was also held to encourage the purchase of products bearing the 100% Canadian Milk symbol.

This contest was advertised in community newspapers across the country in August, September and October.

Are you getting enough milk products?
The national Get Enough nutrition campaign continues to remind consumers to get the recommended servings of milk and milk products with television commercials, ads in major women’s magazines and online visibility.

A national in-store promotion is currently being deployed in major grocery stores. Shelf ads showcasing yogurt, cheese and milk will be located in corresponding store aisles and consumers will be able to pick up a free booklet containing messages on the benefits of milk products and healthy recipes.

DFC ambassadors will also help shoppers figure out if they have enough milk products for their family in their shopping cart, and dietitians will be on-site in select stores to discuss the health benefits of milk products.

Finally, a new program called Goal Getters is now available on The program provides consumers with practical tips to help them get the recommended portions of milk products and focuses on nutrition, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

The Great Canadian Milk Cheers
A new contest named “The Great Canadian Milk Cheers” was launched Sept. 30 as part of the ongoing national Milk Every Moment campaign. To participate, consumers must visit to upload their own personal milk cheers and share a childhood memory involving milk.  PD


A primary goal at Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is to promote the quality and the great nutritional value of Canadian dairy products. Through advertising, contests, partnerships, educational programs and media relations, DFC promotes Canadian milk products and encourages healthy eating habits.