The theme is Milk and Dairy Products: Innovation in Nutrition and Health and Sustainable Development. From 2010 to 2013, close to $12 million will be invested in the Cluster in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada ($7.5 million); the Canadian Dairy Commission ($1.5 million) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada ($131,000). Dairy Farmers of Canada contributed $3 million.

The program is divided into two themes to best address the industry’s priorities:

Human nutrition and health
• To identify health benefits associated with milk and dairy products, leading to adequate consumption and beneficial health outcomes for the
Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national policy, lobbying and promotional organization representing Canada’s farmers.

Sustainable development
• To establish guidelines supporting the protection of the environment through the implementation of sustainable development principles in relation with climate change, dairy cattle efficiency and longevity through animal health and welfare.

Building and strengthening research capacity in the Canadian dairy sector
There are 48 projects in the Dairy Research Cluster: 35 in human nutrition and health and 13 in sustainable development. Projects and results are being executed and delivered in 14 universities and four government research centres in collaboration with two private sector partners.

More than 151 people – from scientists to students – across the country are contributing to the Canadian knowledge economy through their research. Half-way through the program, researchers shared their knowledge and findings to incite innovation nationally and globally by delivering more than 40 presentations and publishing 57 abstracts, posters and articles in scientifi c journals and industry newsletters and publications.


More knowledge and technology transfer activities are planned as the bulk of projects come to an end on March 31.

A window to vital Canadian dairy research knowledge
A website called the Canadian Dairy Research Portal contains historical and up-to-date content on dairy production research in Canada. It houses information such as dairy researchers’ names and areas of research and summaries of dairy production research projects funded by Dairy Farmers of Canada and its partners since 1996.

A newsletter called Dairy Research Update contains articles on research projects under various programs as well as profiles of researchers and students working in the industry. The newsletter is available online and we encourage you to subscribe and stay tuned to developments in dairy research that are driving innovation in dairy!

Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national policy, lobbying and promotional organization representing Canada’s farmers. DFC works to support sustainable dairy production; facilitate solutions to provincial/national challenges; provide credible research of dairy products on a national basis; and create innovative ways to grow the market.  PD