Articles Tagged with ''BRD''
Preventative measures like good nutrition, handling practices, calf comfort and observation protocols are key for keeping calves healthy while they're stressed.
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Tips to manage stressors and minimize BRD
A common summer challenge is dealing with BRD. Mitigating risk is a critical component of a larger BRD battle plan. Risks can range from new cattle entering the herd to stressors caused by handling, nutrition and environment.
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Preconditioning: Worth the input or not?
One of the most important factors in the preconditioning equation is a solid vaccination program, which often leads to feeders being willing to pay more for calves.
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Wonder about the future of cattle health care? Check the crystal ball
It may be impossible to predict the future completely, but it’s fun to try. Experts in the cattle health care field weigh in with their projections of where management, disease prevention and treatment are heading and how they might get there.
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Timing is everything for BRD protection
BRD is the costliest disease in the cattle industry and can have serious impacts on an animal’s production potential. Attacking BRD with a multifaceted approach that includes building immunity, mitigating risk and managing infections is important.
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Essential practices to build BRD resilience in your calf crop
The path to economic success for cow-calf producers often hinges on the ability to develop healthy herds that are resilient to common management and disease challenges.
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BRD caused by Mycoplasma bovis: It's more common than you’d expect
Mycoplasma bovis might seem harmless, but its presence increases a calf's chance of contracting BRD by 74%. Farms should focus on calf care and diagnostic and treatment protocols to develop a plan to minimize its impact.
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Early disease detection technologies making steady advancements
Advancements in health technologies can sometimes seem beyond belief. Diseases are being detected well before they’re noticed, even by an experienced eye. While promising, it’s understood that obstacles slowing their progress still exist.
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Weaning time: Decisions, decisions, decisions …
One of the most important considerations come weaning time is making sure calves’ gut health is up to the task of maintaining their immune systems.
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