Business Management
Horsemanship and safety in the feedyard
Maintaining safety when working cattle in a feedyard requires pen riders to understand cattle behavior and horse footing conditions. Feedyard managers must know the abilities of horse and rider and should provide necessary training when needed.
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The decision to implant cattle lies in how they are marketed
Research suggests that growth-promoting implants are the best option for cattle sold on the live basis. However, if you plan to sell on the grid, non-hormone-treated cattle (NHTC) can return more to your pocketbook.
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Budgeting tips and programs for the new year
A new budget should be created each year at the beginning of a production cycle. Budgets contain both revenue and cost projections, helping producers plan ahead so financial obligations such as loan payments are met.
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The cost of cattle nutrition
In a year like this one, producers can’t always pick and choose their primary feed source. Close attention to nutritional supplements is therefore even more important than in average feed years.
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Looking backward to plan forward
Take time to reflect on business decisions made this past year and reevaluate how tasks are done. Prioritize improvements and consider what will happen if these changes are delayed.
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Identifying your competitive advantage
By defining your operational strengths and assets, you can identify competitive opportunities by reviewing your place, passion, problems, people and position.
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