Articles by Kalyn Waters
Colostrum is key for a newborn calf. The nutrients provided by the mother set up the calf’s immunity for life.
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The battle of bottle teats
Udder quality is a trait most cattlemen focus on. It is known that “bad bags,” or poor-quality udders, will cause havoc during calving season. But are those less-than-perfect udders more than just an eyesore? Does a bad quarter or big teat cause performance issues with calves?
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Road map to develop forage-based systems
The feasibility of concentrate feeding or forage-based diets is highly dependent on the economics of both systems.
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What every producer should know about calf growth
Before a calf is born, their growth potential is defined by the total number of muscle fibers that develop in utero. Maternal nutrient restrictions in early to midgestation can decrease the number of these muscle fibers.
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