For our readers' convenience, we've compiled a list of all of the trending topic articles features.


July 1, 2013: A.I. company hand-picked its preferred activity monitor system
June 11, 2013: Flavor Faceoff
May 21, 2013: Foot rot in dairy cows
May 1, 2013: Genomics: A great tool, now with proven results
April 11, 2013: The case for rumen-protected fats
March 21, 2013: Attributes of a successful manager
March 1, 2013: Hoof trimming at Dykstra Dairy
Feb. 11, 2013: Drought-stressed corn strategies: A presentation by Dr. Mike Hutjens
Jan. 21, 2013: Strategies for dealing with new somatic cell count requirements
Jan. 1, 2013: Presynch/Ovsynch: Simple fixes, major improvements
Dec. 11, 2012: Past trending topic articles
Nov. 21, 2012: Future of U.S. digester industry prime topic at AgSTAR Conference
Nov. 1, 2012: Bedding and housing are important to your calves (featured comment)
Oct. 11, 2012: Fad or future: Monitoring boluses make a comeback
Sept. 21, 2012: Yummy sprouts for dairy cows
Sept. 1, 2012: Learning labs get calf care managers involved
Aug. 11, 2012: Managing hypocalcemia in fresh cows
July 21, 2012: Maximizing silage feed value during hot weather requires extra management
July 1, 2012: It pays to keep cows cool
June 11, 2012: Ketosis in dairy cows
May 21, 2012 issue: Repurposed corner: Recycled billboard tarps
May 1, 2012 issue: Culling dairy cattle for reproduction: What you need to know
April 11, 2012 issue: Ask the experts: Stray voltage
March 21, 2012 issue: Separation system removes liquid, saves money
March 1, 2012 issue: Individual cow care to lower lameness in your herd
Feb. 11, 2012 issue: Put ingenuity and opportunity to work in 2011
Jan. 21, 2012 issue: What is a functional protein?
Jan. 1, 2012 issue: Designing a system for getting cows pregnant